Georgetown, Great Exuma

Georgetown, Great Exuma
There is a Paradise!!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

We are here

At long last we have arrived in Tortola, Road Town to be exact. We have posted a couple of pics, nothing too exciting. The best part of the day was sitting by the pool listening to Bob Rondeau call the Husky, Cal Game. Well most of it anyway. the battery on the laptop died and had to go into the room to plug it in. No power by the pool or the bar and no internet in the hotel room. Luckily we aren't sitting at the pool right now because a little thunderstorm is passing through giving everything a nice fresh water bath.

Now Patti says:
Tortola is quite different from Aruba. There are high mountainous hills, with most signs of life right down on the edge of the water. Aruba was a very flat desert island. They do have one thing in common....goats! Wild goats!

Since this is a British territory, everyone drives on the opposite side of the road, however the driver is still on the left side of the car. Our driver said that it was because cars are cheaper to by from the US. It's not easy to adjust to. Also, the roads are very narrow! On the way to the marina a car tried to pass the taxi we were in and almost hit another car head on. I'm not really sure how they missed!!

The most exciting times are to come. Tomorrow we will get our sailboat, and first thing on Monday morning the big adventure truly begins!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!


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